Sunday, October 21, 2007

Suddenly so many things!!

Well, I finally got off my tush and started a blog....I've been promising it for a few weeks, and the mood, day, my hair, weather, chi, and feng shui were right. Ok, not really...I made a bet with Lar that I would start it today. Ha! So, in the end, pride got me to do it. Plus, I've been looking forward to having an outlet to share all my adventures. I may ramble a bit, and I can't make any promises on grammar and spelling, but I hope to convey a little of what Larry and I are seeing and doing.

The past year has been a whirlwind, to say the least, and it's nice to have a chunk of time to be able to just breathe for a bit, and get back to doing things that make me happy. I finished school in the middle of August, and took my state boards, packed up, donated, or sold most of my stuff, and generally ran around like a maniac trying to see everyone before I left. I could not have made the transition to moving overseas without my Parents, Debbie, and all my family and friends. Truly, you held me up, and I am thankful. Change is not always my favorite thing, and this past year, it was either get to like change, or drown! You all made it much easier.

I left for Sing on Sept.29, and arrived on Oct. 1st...23 hours of traveling, and crossing a few times zones. It was a really good trip, partly, because I knew what to expect, and was super prepared, and also because I was going to be with my love...FINALLY! Sure, it was bittersweet...I was leaving my family, friends, and the cities and state that I have loved my whole life. But I was embarking on an amazing in a whole new counrty, and living with the sweet, cantankerous, deeply funny, and occasionaly smelly man that I've chosen to wake up next to for the next 50-ish years.
My dad, often the voice of reason for me, summed it up best when I went to him last winter and said that I thought it was a possiblity that Larry would get the job in Singapore, and that I was pretty sure he'd ask me to go with him, as his wife. I was scared, sad about leaving , and had all kinds of reasons why I shouldn't go. He said " Do you love him?" tearfully, at this point "Yes, of course, that's why I'm freaking out!!" He looked at me and said "Then stop being an's the chance of a lifetime...we will miss you, things will change forever, but to not do this would be stupid. LIVE your life" Yeah, I'm pretty lucky...I know. So, with the love and support of EVERYONE, Lar and I began making plans. We had an awesome wedding in Vegas in March, a fantastic 2 weeks in Seattle, and Singapore. Then I returned home to finsh school and get ready for the move. Lar started his new job in Singapore on March 22, and we began a really long, hard 6 months apart (harder for me, he's a boy sometimes.) Again, I cannot say how much my family and friends helped me through...Deb spent countless hours listening to my worries, passing tissues, and just generally being a pal. My parents listened to me whine about how much I missed him, and offered to have a kick-ass wedding reception for us in September, and not to mention their crawl space for storage. Karen gave me the nitty gritty on marriage, and why it's so great, and what I will learn. All in all, there was a lot of hand holding and words of encouragement. And I truly believe Lar and I are stronger as a couple because we had to really work at communication, through the phone, emails and computer chats. So....back to what I orginally started saying...yes, the trip to the airport was bittersweet, but I felt prepared and loved, and I know that I will always be welcomed back with open arms.

I arrived at the Singapore airport without any problems, and gathered my 4 GIANT suitcases, and went to find my hubby. I mentioned before that he was the one, doubled over laughing himself silly as I struggled through the doors. It was a sweet reunion....missing him was one of the harder things I've dealt with. The drive to our new home was so surreal...I had so many feelings running through me....elation, wonder, fear, name it, I think I felt it in the 20 min cab ride. Getting to our new place, Larry showed me all the things he had done, and plans started as to what we would need etc. He'd done a great job, but was very much living as a bachelor, and I think he was happy to have a female touch in the place (he'll proably deny this...ha)

My first few days in Sing are a bit of a blur, but some hi-lights were eating Pho (vitnamese noodle soup) with my hubby, one of the many trips to Ikea (more on that in future posts), going to the ministry of manpower to get my Visa, unpacking the 4 giant suitcases, and getting reaquainted as a couple (lecherous grin). Sorry mom and dad. Anyway...since then I've been experiencing so many cool things....I promise to post about all of them soon. Here is a picture of the view from our window.
Love and miss y'all!
p.s. Today is my Sister Debby's birthday...she would have been's to you Deb! You're with me all the way in this crazy adventure! (literally and figuratively!)


Anonymous said...

Whatta cool idea............
MIss YOU !

Lunasa Designs Jewelry said...

So good to see your smiling face! What a great adventure you've been having!! I laughed at your dad's advice!! hehe! That's why I love Rick! :)

Debbie said...

YAY!!! You blog has finally arrived and I am your very first comment. :-)
It was great reading a recap of the past year even though I was there for most of it, it deefinitely was a whirlwind in 2007.
I can't wait to read all about 2008. Welcome to the world of blogging!
xoxox, deb

Tim French said...

Hey Pam. I think I need a hair cut. Are you available on Monday about 5:00PM? Also I have been trying to get a hold of you. Have you been gone on vacation for a few days?

Uncle Tim

Anonymous said...

nice story telling. Great picture of your Mom and Dad! They are really great looking aren't they? Can't wait to read more on your new life.

Anonymous said...

wow ! your parents are so attractive! You must be so proud of them! keep us posted on your new life.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Pammy! At least someone is moving along in life. Sounds like a great adventure. Waiting for the good pic's -- you know -- not the touristy ones -- the good stuff! Not sure how you've managed to pull it together -- must be your dad's influence as I'm not sure I could see your mom traveling all over -- by herself. Guess you didn't get the directionaly impaired gene! Keep us informed. Di

Anonymous said...

Al least I know how to drive outside of Oxford city limits!!

Anonymous said...

i am coming to visit. i am glad that you made it ok.


Anonymous said...

The view from you new place looks awesome. Wow!

I'm so happy you started this blog. I will follow it faithfully!


Anonymous said...


I am finally checking your blog out!! It is very cool to see your place, your big pool and your 3 bathrooms(not fair)!!! Ha! It is good to see you smile and be happy! Tell Larry Todd and I said, Howdy! I will keep in touch!

Anonymous said...


I am fianlly checking out your blog!! Are you proud or what!! Anyway, your place looks Fab, 3 bathrooms, that is not right!! Ha!
I love the pool! What an adventure you are on. I miss you and will check your blog often.

Take care and tell Larry Todd and I said howdy!

Anonymous said...

Pam- You Sing place is beautiful- Your 'HUSBAND' looks very happy and content!!! Really enjoying your blog, keep it up! I WILL be there to visit- But don't hire a maid- I'll help you cook & clean.
Love Barbara Vethacke. XXOO
I'll bring perfume, anything else?

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks fabulous!! Do you need me to send you any product?!? I just wanted to comment on how enamored the two of you look with each other. Awww!

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Pam,
Look forward to reading the blog. It looks fantastic! Enjoy the man in the bed lady! :^)