Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Funny

Hello, my name is Pam, and my husband is from Texas. (they say admitting it is half the battle) 

This really does say a lot about who he is.  It's in his blood, and he wears it proudly.  And sometimes loudly.   His accent is something that first drew me in, those long, lovely conversations on the phone, when he was a courtin', and no topic was left untouched. Fraught with longing and electricity, these 4 hour nightly conversations were the seeds that made love bloom eventually. (ok, I'll go get you a barf bag, back in a sec...)  From the start, I knew he was someone that was different than anyone else I had previously had in my life.  He was smart, ambitious, kind, a dreamer, and deeply funny.  All things I knew I was looking for.   That and the the southern manners....mmm mmm mmm!  His Mama taught him right, and he knows how to treat a lady. Occasionally, I act like one, so it works out well.

So, the cute Texas accent is still something that can make me swoon, or make me laugh so hard I shoot soda out of my nose.  

Or laugh so hard I have to grasp my sweaty husband so I don't trip while walking in the swanky hotel we work out in.

And I never, ever know what will come out of his cute, smiling mouth.

Swanky hotel lobby, March 12, noon-ish.

Larry and I were walking through the lobby, in our sweaty, schlubby workout clothes after working out in the hotel gym we get to use as part of our apartment benefits.  I usually avoid eye contact, and just concentrate on getting out and home to the chilly air conditioning as quickly as possible.  Lar likes to occasionally mess with people.  Sigh.  On this day, we were walking along, chatting about lunch, when I noticed a very well dressed couple, decked out in traveling attire my grandmother would have approved of. (slacks, not jeans, and a pressed blouse with a skirt...they looked lovely.)  They also had super cool luggage, the kind that wheels to the side, and is hard sided.  They looked like efficient, organized and very well put together travelers. The kind that would never have a nail file in their purse, or the random fire arm in their carry on.   They were also targets.  Yup, big red bulls eyes.  *First a note on Larry's accent: Sometimes, he turns it waaay up, if the situation calls for it, and sometimes dials it waaay down if need be.  As I have mentioned, he is a smart guy and knows how to use proper grammar etc., and usually sounds fairly intelligent.  Ok, that said, on with the story...just as we were passing them, Larry belts out in his thickest, most hick sounding accent "Thems some REAL FANCY suitcases!!!"  drawn way out in all his Texas glory.  Yep, that's MY husband!  I thought the tidy traveling couple were going to fall over, first registering shock, then laughing. Poor things...they never saw it coming.  We really think they thought he was was priceless.  We have been laughing about it for days now, and will look at each other at random moments and say it again.  Making our own fun here in Sing!  Good times!

Hope your friday is great!


Anonymous said...

Too funny! I can just see and hear Larry doing that! I loved your story. You sure know how to write a tale!! I love your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

why can I not e-mail you did you change your address >?
I love your blog what a great surprise to see a few postings !
Marlee ~
you know my lipstick wearing pal from D.P (lol)

Anonymous said...

So you would have had your Larry work party by now, how did it go and how many people loved the Pooney Puff? Was it a hit? Or will you and Larry be beaten for serving something so weird?

Anonymous said...

Great story, sounds like you guys have a blast together. I would of loved to seen thier faces.
Don and I will toast to Deb tonight, when he gets home from work. I think of her often. I'm gonna make the poony puff for Easter.
Luv ya, Jenny

Anonymous said...

Wondering if cashews can be substituted for the pecans??


sign me,

just asking in Michigan...

Anonymous said...

Hey Janet, isn't this Holy Week? Shouldn't you be in Church somewhere in Michigan??

Sign me,
Also just asking in Michigan !

Anonymous said...

that was very funny, I can just imagine life with the funny accent.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Pam write something soon..... thanks

Anonymous said...

Are you going to post on this blog again? Or are you done with that? I was wondering if you will add more interesting stories about you and your day to day things. I like the writings you give us.

Anonymous said...

Oh For God's Sake !