Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow...

Did you know, that before I led the extremely glamorous life of an expat housewife (har, har), I was a hair stylist?  I loved doing hair, and when I was home for our home leave, I was able to do quite a few of my friends and family.  Some even waited 7 months for me to cut it!  I realized how much I missed it, so I decided to throw it out there to who ever reads this in Singapore, that I am able and willing to do hair.  I'm licensed, and well trained (I went to a GREAT school).  I have references if anyone wants them, and I have a small portfolio.  I'd love to do it from my home, but I'm willing to come to yours too.  I do long, short, men's, kids, and everything in between. Most importantly I think one of my best skills is listening to what you want as a client.  I try not to impart my opinions, unless you want them, then I usually am full of good ideas and suggestions!   One of the fun things I can do is help you host a "hair party".  You gather a bunch of girlfriends, perhaps a few bottles of wine or whatever you prefer, and I come and cut everyones's a blast, and I've had some great times doing it back in the states. And I can guarantee I'm cheaper than most places in Sing (except maybe those nifty 10 minute places...but hey, you get what you pay for!)
If anyone is interested, please contact me at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dang, we should have had a "hair party " at The Glen!